Total Eclipse on the Water

Total Eclipse on the Water

On Sunday my wife and I, along with a couple friends travelled to Marblehead, OH to pick up our boat that is winterized and stored there and used the opportunity to stay through Monday to watch the solar eclipse in the path of totality. I’d seen partial eclipses before, but this was a completely different experience. The picture here was taken with my iPhone without any filters, just pointing it at the blue vapory ring where the sun used to be.

During the 3 minutes when the sun was completely covered the stars were visible and the temperature dropped about 10-15 degrees. We were on Lake Erie at the time and were concerned that the light high level clouds would cause issues with seeing the eclipse clearly, but it wasn’t a problem and ended up only adding to it as it made it possible to easily see the darkness coming on the horizon. Amazing. If you get the chance to see a total eclipse, I highly recommend it. It’s unlike any other celestial experience we get to have (here on Earth anyway).

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