Oliver Update

Oliver Update
A few of you have asked how our dog, Oliver, is doing with his bladder cancer. Good news (as I knock on wood after writing each of these sentences). A few weeks ago he finished radiation and this week he finished his chemo therapy. Thank you to the team at Blue Pearl. He’s had zero side-effects after 8 weeks of treatments and actually has more energy, steals more stuff, wants to play more, and seems to generally feel better than he has in quite a while. The tumor has shrunk by more than 60% and will continue to shrink for another couple weeks and his kidneys are both functioning again. When we started down this path, we were worried that the treatment would be worse than the illness. But we are now confident that we made the right call for our four-legged family member. I know this isn’t how things play out for everyone in similar circumstances and my heart goes out to them. On behalf of those who have lost their furry family members, we will cherish every “extra” day we have with Oliver.

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